Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa has been available for several days. After Canonical's release, many readers sent me emails asking me how to update Ubuntu to switch to Focal Fossa. The frequently asked questions in e-mails are mainly two:
- Can I upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 without losing my data?
- Why am I not getting the update notification on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS? Am I doing something wrong?
The answer to the first question is Yes. The answer to the second is No, no errors. If you are on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Bionic Beaver know that the update will be proposed starting from the arrival of the first point release that will arrive in the summer. This is a policy aimed at ensuring the stability of the system. Clearly, however, it is possible to "force" the update. So let's see how to update from Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or from Ubuntu 19.10 Eoan Ermine to Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa.
Here's how to update to Ubuntu 20.04
The updating procedure is simple and within everyone's reach. For the upgrade, it is not necessary to download any ISO. Before proceeding, there are two things to do:
- Check that your Ubuntu installation is not a 32 bit L.04 18.04: in this case, you will not be able to update the system. Bionic Beaver is supported by Canonical until 2023 so you can rest assured;
- If point 1 is OK then make a backup of your data: music, videos, images, documents, etc.
At this point open the Software & Updates utility, look for the Updates tab, and look for the Notify me of a new Ubuntu version item. Set it to " For long-term support versions " on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or " For any new version " if you are using Ubuntu 19.10.
You can close Software & Updates and open the terminal. At this point, give the following command:
update-manager -c -d
The Update Manager utility will inform you about the presence of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS "Focal Fossa". Now just click on Upgrade to update the system. At this point, if you have a good Internet line and a little patience you should soon be able to get your hands on Canonical's new LTS.
What about Ubuntu Server?
To update a system with Ubuntu Server the first thing to do is to download and install the update-manager-core package. If it is already installed you are ready.
Set the line Prompt in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades to " lts " if you are on Ubuntu 18.04 or to " normal " if you are on Ubuntu 19.10. Next, execute the upgrade with the following command: sudo do-release-upgrade -d.
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