Is now available for download final version of Sabayon 5.4 on your GNOME and KDE versions for both 32 and 64 bits.
Sabayon is a great Italian distro based on Gentoo. Some of its features:
- Kernel Linux 2.6.35
- More than 1000 updated packages and over 100 bugs fixed.
- Quick and easy installation
- Ext4 file system default
- Btrfs Support
- X. Org 7.5
- Gnome 2.30 and KDE 4.5.1
- 3D applications by default (Compiz and KWin)
- OpenOffice 3.2
You can download version you prefer (GNOME, KDE) (32 and 64 bit) from their download page where you can choose to do so from nearest mirror. (There are still some that are not updated).