On Ubuntu and derivatives having the latest version of GIMP has always been a problem. Before the advent of packages in snap and flatpak format, we have always been forced to use additional PPAs. The most famous and appreciated PPA for GIMP was the one maintained by otto06217.
I wrote "was" because unfortunately, its creator stopped updating it for personal reasons. Fortunately, however, Panda Jim, the author of the famous blog UbuntuHandbook.org, decided to create a new unofficial PPA for Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04 (and obviously derivatives).
How to install the latest version of GIMP from PPA
To install the latest version of GIMP from PPA, you just need to first add the GIMP Image Editor repository maintained by Panda Jim by giving from the terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/gimp
update with
sudo apt update
and finally, install GIMP (and since we are also G'MIC) from the terminal
sudo apt install gimp gmic
If GIMP was already installed from the distro repositories, we just need to add the PPA and update the system.