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PING: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Beta, Fedora 32 Beta, Devuan 3 Beta, GNOME 3.38, Firefox…


    We are already in April and we resume the PING, which disappeared all March due to the disorders that you can imagine. But so far, because there are interesting releases that we have not noticed and some from several weeks ago. Of course, I am mainly referring to releases of versions in development, since the rest, as well as other types of news, have been covered. Therefore, this PING is dedicated almost exclusively to new releases, but the opposite of how we always do it: with the versions in development first, which are the juiciest; And we complement it with a couple of other things about which it is worth recording.

    Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Beta

    Just out of the oven are the betas of what will be the most outstanding distro of the year, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 'Focal Fossa'. The first impressions being read out there augur a great launch, too, so if you want to give it a try before it's ready for more serious matters, the official announcement details everything you need.

    Fedora 32 Beta

    A few weeks before the Fedora 32 beta arrived, which also promises its own, especially for lovers of the purest GNOME. If you missed it, Fedora Magazine will update you on events.

    Devuan 3 Beta

    And in a more sub-general context, another beta that we were announced a couple of weeks ago is the third version of Devuan, Debian without systemd. More information in the official announcement. If anything, it is worth asking, will the changes in Debian with the alternative inits mean any changes for this project?

    ExTiX 20.4 

    Without even waiting for Ubuntu to take the plunge, this version of ExTiX is already available, and you can imagine what it is based on by the version number. For more data, use the LXQt desktop and yes, it's a stable version. More info in the official announcement.

    antiX 19.2

    And another distro for lovers not of lightness, but of ultralightness, if such a concept exists. Not long ago we talked about antiX in more detail and this one that we bring you now is neither more nor less than its new version. Here the official announcement.

    Manjaro ARM 20.04

    We are out of the ordinary to collect the launch of the new version of Manjaro ARM, which comes with images for devices such as Raspberry Pi 4, Rock Pi 4, RockPro64, Pinebook Pro and others. Are you interested? In the official announcement, they tell you everything.


    To finish with the distros, the latest from LFS and BLFS, or what is the same, Linux From Scratch and Beyond Linux From Scratch, the 'system' with which to learn to mount a Linux from scratch, an ideal pastime in the times of confinement they run. In the official announcement, you have all the information.

    GNOME 3.38 

    Here is a simple note, since GNOME begins to give more joys than sorrows, as it is being demonstrated with GNOME 3.36, its latest and recent version: the release date of the following has been announced and will arrive on September 16.


    Ending with applications, the latest version of Telegram for both mobile and PC brought interesting news that we collected in MC. I assume that you will know who uses it, but just in case I leave it here.

    Firefox falls

    To finish, bad news that you can read in MC of which I keep the part of the headline that interests us most: Firefox falls ... but below the new Microsoft Edge. I do not know about you, among whom I already know that there is a lot of unconditional faithful and in many cases also unfortunately uncritical, but I see no solution to the matter.

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