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How to delete user accounts in Windows 10 quickly and safely


The management of user accounts in Windows 10 is very simple. Microsoft has unified all Account management options in one place, and this has helped to simplify a basic but important task in the operating system.

In this article we will explain step by step how you can delete user accounts in Windows 10, and also how you can create them quickly, easily and safely . It is a process that has no complications, but if you have any doubt you can leave it in the comments.

How to delete and create user accounts in Windows 10
  • In the search bar of Cortana we introduce "Add, edit or remove other people" (without quotes) and choose the first result.
  • With this we will enter fully into the "Family and Other People" section . As we see in the image we have two options, add a relative or add another person. In my case I do not have any other person as an authorized account, so only the options to create appear. If you have any additional associated account you can delete it from this section. You only have to select it and choose the "delete" option that will be displayed in a small menu.

Before confirming the deletion of user accounts in Windows 10 keep in mind that not only will these accounts disappear, but we will also lose all the files and applications associated with them . If there is something you do not want to lose, make a backup before deleting the associated user.

In the event that a user account is associated with a Microsoft account you will not lose the files and data that you have saved in the cloud . This includes the backup copies and the elements uploaded to OneDrive, as well as the emails, certain configurations and all the data that Cortana associates to that user.

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