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How to correct corrupted or damaged data on your PS4


The "corrupted data" error that is most likely to be encountered will probably be labeled as CE-34875-7 or NP-32062-3 . This refers to data from a specific game that is corrupted, not to some kind of crucial data about your PS4 itself. The problem can occur during the installation of a game. When you stop responding, the error message is displayed and you stay with a half-installed game that can not be played.

Alternatively, the error may app arire while playing a game that you have already installed. The audio may start to flash, the frame rate decreases, so the game freezes and the same message is displayed.

How to correct corrupted or damaged data on your PS4
There are a couple of ways to solve this problem. The easiest option if it occurs during installation is to delete the damaged data file. To do so, go to Notifications on the PS4 main screen, press OPTIONS and select Download.

Then, highlight the damaged data (marked with a gray thumbnail with a jagged line looks like a light bulb), press OPTIONS and delete the data.

Then try reinstalling the game. If the problem re app is or your PS4 does not allow you to delete the damaged file, you will have to try another solution.

Restore the PS4 database
Rebuilding your PS4 database scans your PS4 system for any files that may be faulty or that do not work as they should. It does not delete any data and can correct corrupted data.

To rebuild your PS4 database, make sure the PS4 is turned off, then press and hold the power button until you hear two beeps (one after pressing the button, another a few seconds later). This should start your PS4 in safe mode .

Connect the PS4 controller to your PS4 via a USB cable (Bluetooth does not work on this screen) and select the 'Rebuild Database' option (should be option # 5). After a few minutes your PS4 database should be rebuilt, and it is hoped that the problems with the corrupted data will be solved.

These are the most convenient ways to fix corrupt data on PS4. If you still have problems, though, you may need to consider that your hard drive is damaged and will need to be replaced.

Alternatively, you can try the "Initialize PS4" option from the Safe Mode screen, which deletes all data on the system and restores the default settings. It's not a nice solution, but it may be necessary as a last resort.

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