It is unclear when GIMP 2.8 is finally released, but waiting to get their hands on the final release, the development team has a few days before the official release candidate of the project GIMP 2.8. GIMP 2.8 will bring important new features, including single-window mode, the groups of levels and many other features that are already in this RC1:
- The text editing is now done directly "on-canvas" rather than in a separate window. It 's also possible to mix different styles of text at the same level.
- Saving and exporting are now two separate activities. Saving an image can only be done in XCF format GIMP's native.
- And 'possible to specify the size with simple mathematical expressions, like "50%", "30in + 40px" or "4 * 5.4in".
- Greatly improved the brushes and their "engine".
- And 'possible to save the toolset with a name chosen.
- Added a new filter: Cage
- New widgets, configurations and other improvements for advanced devices (eg tablet).
- You can now tag GIMP resources, such as brushes and patterns.
- Lots of other small improvements and bugfixes.
Install GIMP 2.8 RC1 on Ubuntu 12.04
Pending the PPA of GIMP PPA by Matt Walker are updated, you can use a script devised by Strycore. All you have to do is download the archive from this page, Extract the contents and place the script on the desktop. Now type in terminal:
Pending the PPA of GIMP PPA by Matt Walker are updated, you can use a script devised by Strycore. All you have to do is download the archive from this page, Extract the contents and place the script on the desktop. Now type in terminal:
chmod +x ~/Scrivania/build-gimp-git.shAnd you'll find GIMP 2.8 RC1 properly installed on your system!
sudo apt-get install git
Remove GIMP 2.8 RC1
To remove GIMP 2.8 RC1, open a terminal and type:
sudo rm -r /opt/gimp-2.8/
sudo rm -r ~/.local/share/applications/gimp2.8RC1.desktop