Wally is an application to change our wallpaper every so often and can use images of our local hard drive, remote image via FTP or web services like Flickr image hosting, Yahoo!, Pike, ipernity, Photobucket , Buzznet, Picasa, Smugmu, etc..
Has been released version 2.4.4 with this list of changes:
Has been released version 2.4.4 with this list of changes:
- Fixed gconftool-2 arguments bug
- Settings window layout is now suitable for netbook screens
Wally developed using Qt4 libraries but also supports KDE4, GNOME, XFCE4, BlackBox, Fluxbox, Window Maker, and FVWM (experimental).
The program is highly configurable: you can choose the way in which images are displayed, scaling, position, the change interval and several other parameters.
We can install or upgrade to Wally 2.4.4 with the deb package for your architecture and graphical environment from this link.
We can install or upgrade to Wally 2.4.4 with the deb package for your architecture and graphical environment from this link.