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Mandriva 2011 is delayed

The Blonde is delayed. That sounds weird, but almost any user Mandriva know what we mean by this. In particular, his first and only release candidate and final postponed ,At the moment, no deadline.

We went following the first steps of Mandriva 2011 ,Since that very first Technology Preview, Its Alpha 1 and 2 ,Its second beta (We missed the first!). I also count Mandriva 2011 for what promises much. For now, however, will have to wait a little longer to have her among us.

Official information will be found in the lists run from developers, Where you can also see how the schedule is still not fixed (Final version expected by mid-June).

The reasons for this delay are assumed for all the work that lies ahead and why with its upcoming Mandriva stakes are high. First recover many of the users who left after mageia, second to recover a dignity and community distribution GNU/Linux alone has preserved the technical aspect.

There are many expectations and is normal. The blonde was dressed to kill and we want to see it, but like all good divas present only when it is ready. It should be.

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