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Enable notification area for all applications in Ubuntu 11.04

In Ubuntu 11.04 the notification area (or systray) is only enabled for some applications, Java, Mumble, Wine, Skype, and hp-systray, it makes software that makes use of it and that is not in the "white list" can not run, such as Radio Tray or Jupiter.

Luckily there is a fairly simple solution is to enable the notification area for all applications in Ubuntu 11.04, We paste the command in the terminal.

gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['all']"
If you just want to add an application to whitelist system tray the command would be this.
gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['JavaEmbeddedFrame', 'Mumble', 'Wine', 'Skype', 'hp-systray', 'YOUR_APPLICATION']"
YOUR_APPLICATION Where would you want to add.

Want to go back to normal? you just have to run this command and everything is as it was then.
gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['JavaEmbeddedFrame', 'Mumble', 'Wine', 'Skype', 'hp-systray']"

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