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[Solution] When you open "Sites" opens the Totem player

For some strange reason ,Gnome ceased to "know how to open" media files with the default application, and more importantly, when I opened any of the folders in Sites ,It was with the movie player, namely Totem. As I said before know the reason, but how to fix it, since the problem was in the association of applications, so I opened mimeapps.list, And there I saw the reason for what happened to me, to open directory was set as the default application Player. Now here's how to change.

When you open the configuration file Edit the file mimeapps.list from a terminal. We opened with this order by changing where it says user for ours:
gedit /home/usuario/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list
and modify the line below, nautilus changing where it says player:
Store and we will not have that problem.


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