For those who are too impatient to wait for Fedora 15 or Aldos 1.5, is a relatively simple way of install Firefox 4. It should be noted that this involves using YUM stores of Remi Which have some nature experimental, their packages are very stable.
The only problem I encountered when using the Firefox 4 package of Remi, is that failure respect formatted text to copy and paste. Example: copy text from Kompozer, BlueGriffon or another window of Firefox, and paste it into an editing window tools such as Fsckeditor, not very pleasant for some, it sticks to the plain text, and line changes and unnecessary indentations.
The only problem I encountered when using the Firefox 4 package of Remi, is that failure respect formatted text to copy and paste. Example: copy text from Kompozer, BlueGriffon or another window of Firefox, and paste it into an editing window tools such as Fsckeditor, not very pleasant for some, it sticks to the plain text, and line changes and unnecessary indentations.
Step 1: Support current profile of Firefox 3.6.x.
cd ~
tar Jcvf respaldo-perfil-firefox36.tar.xz .mozilla/firefox
Step 2: Install the RPM package from YUM store of Remi
To Fedora 14 and Aldos 1.4:
rpm -Uvh Fedora 13 and Aldos 1.3:
rpm -Uvh 3: Install Firefox 4.
Note that this step means that Firefox 3.6.x, the official version and stable support from Fedora and Aldos will be replaced by Firefox 4.0, and that any problem or fault arising from your use later, can only be addressed in Remi forums. Remi stores are turned off by default, so you have to run yum as follows:
yum --enablerepo=remi install firefoxStep 4: Run Firefox 4.
Firefox 4 transparently replaces the version of Firefox 3.6.x, so you just have to click on the Firefox launcher.
If something goes wrong, and want to turn Firefox 3.6.x.If you wish to return to the previous version, just enough to uninstall xulrunner2 and firefox:
yum remove xulrunner2 firefox
And since YUM stores of remi are off by default, you just have to reinstall Firefox with yum:
yum -y install firefox
To restore the original profile used with Firefox 3.6, just run the following:
cd ~
tar Jxvf respaldo-perfil-firefox36.tar.xz
Worked great man thanks!
ReplyDeletewhen i do this, it install 3.6, and just calls the shortcut firefox 4