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How to speed up Ubuntu

Ubuntu distro is probably the most widely used today but also "in my opinion"one of the slower and more things to improve after install ubuntu. I'll give these tips to help make the system Faster and we can work more comfortable.

Move the temporary directories to the memory

Move the /tmp to the memory because it is much faster than the disk and also caring for the record, especially if they have made the ubuntu installation on a netbook with SSD.

Should edit the /etc/fstab and add the following line:
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noexec,nosuid 0 0
Save the changes and restart the pc.

Install Preload

Preload is an application that intelligently pre-loaded into the memory files and applications they use. Because of this you may notice that the PC takes a little longer to boot but is just that, then noticed that everything is as it seems faster.
sudo apt-get install preload

Disable the services that we not use

In many cases all the time services are not used and are constantly consumiento memory and processor. Classic examples: apache and mysql, for example to disable mysql run the following command:
sudo update-rc.d mysql remove
Disable autorun applications

There are several applications that are not normally used and still start when starting the pc. You can see them in System-> Tools-> Applications to start.

Change the way you use the Swap

Like as I said with respect to /tmp if possible not to use the disk and memory use in place then we should do it, because disk accesses are slow.

If you have 2, 3 or 4GB of Ram probably do not need hardly any Swap. Will not make that error that says "Swap should be twice the ram"

Enter /etc/sysctl.conf and change the following line (add if not exist):
The value assigned to your system will tell you which is the probability that use Swap, is a value between 0 and 100. If you have less than 1GB of RAM should change that value to 40 or 50 to use but the swap.

After modifying the file should run
sudo sysctl -p
for the changes are carried out correctly.

These are small tips but surely help many.

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