Google is doing step by step with the shortening of URLs. First was closed, Used only by FeedBurner and Google Toolbar (Maps came later). Then it became available to anyone could shorten with Of course, only from its website.
Today we can say that Google has a full shortening due to the opening of its API. With it, any programmer can shorten URLs or expand with from your program ,So soon as Twitter and Seesmic client may include the shortening, in addition to the more than probable extensions and bookmarklets for web browsers.
According to Google, is faster and safer the rest of shortening. Although I doubt not, the differences between this and other shortening are so small they are barely noticeable. Therefore, I do not think you can compete with all what they offer and settled shortening, mainly.
Today we can say that Google has a full shortening due to the opening of its API. With it, any programmer can shorten URLs or expand with from your program ,So soon as Twitter and Seesmic client may include the shortening, in addition to the more than probable extensions and bookmarklets for web browsers.
According to Google, is faster and safer the rest of shortening. Although I doubt not, the differences between this and other shortening are so small they are barely noticeable. Therefore, I do not think you can compete with all what they offer and settled shortening, mainly.