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The best way to access to virtual machines of VirtualBox

For those who use VirtualBox is a bit cumbersome having to open and close the application every time we use one of the virtual machines we have installed.
indicator-virtualbox just all this and gives us the ability to access a virtualized machines quickly and efficiently, without running VirtualBox for it. Also has a nice logo Mono style that looks great with the new issues of Ubuntu and many others.

We just need to do to install this applet is to add his PPA repository developer has arranged Launchpad Astrapi and install the application.

To do this, run the following lines into the terminal:
  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:michael-astrapi/ppa
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install indicator-virtualbox
Once you've installed the applet you just have to run with Gnome launcher (Alt+F2) or using a pitcher like Synapse or Gnome-Do and write this line indicator-virtualbox.

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  1. I want to move it but I get no response from right-click. It works though. Neat!
