RedHat has released a beta version of platform Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, and is RedHat distribution of the most popular Linux distributions, which is directed to business environments and companies.
The latest version is Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 had been issued in 2007.
What's new that you intend to offer in RedHat version 6?
Well, there are many, and perhaps most important capabilities of an integrated power management and voltage processor, and also worked with development team RedHat Linux kernel characteristically to improve the performance, as re-writing schedule tasks to be distributed in an orderly and precise capabilities of processor.
RedHat 6 as well as focus on improving capacity expansion to support devices with 64 core and 2 terabytes of memory, as well as RedHat added security features and new capabilities and enhancements to support virtual hardware tools, which started since release 5.
Beta version available for download for free from RedHat.